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Relatable Monster Romance Memes

Some relatable monster romance memes to brighten your day!

Relatable Monster Romance Memes

Here are some more of our favourite monster smut memes for you to enjoy! And if you like monster romance, why not take a quick look at our collection of smut stickers!

Me after reading 300 pages of slow burn just for the orc to finally hold hands with the FMC – worth it.

When the monster on the cover looks tame compared to inside the book. I'm not complaining

I love monsters. Me too.

Aliens invade: "Terrants, we have killed your leaders, destroyed your economy, and are here to take over your government" Me: "Why don't you destroy and take over me next?" Aliens: "wait what?"

Me finally finishing my TBR list, exhausted, dazed, and with no more social life

Monster romance books actively battling my depression.

Find more monster romance memes here! If you like all things monster romance, you might like our stickers!


